5,564 research outputs found

    Design of coupled mace filters for optical pattern recognition using practical spatial light modulators

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    Spatial light modulators (SLMs) are being used in correlation-based optical pattern recognition systems to implement the Fourier domain filters. Currently available SLMs have certain limitations with respect to the realizability of these filters. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the SLM constraints in the design of the filters. The design of a SLM-constrained minimum average correlation energy (SLM-MACE) filter using the simulated annealing-based optimization technique was investigated. The SLM-MACE filter was synthesized for three different types of constraints. The performance of the filter was evaluated in terms of its recognition (discrimination) capabilities using computer simulations. The correlation plane characteristics of the SLM-MACE filter were found to be reasonably good. The SLM-MACE filter yielded far better results than the analytical MACE filter implemented on practical SLMs using the constrained magnitude technique. Further, the filter performance was evaluated in the presence of noise in the input test images. This work demonstrated the need to include the SLM constraints in the filter design. Finally, a method is suggested to reduce the computation time required for the synthesis of the SLM-MACE filter

    Isolation, identification and Toxicological profiling of bioactive compounds from Xanthium strumarium and Acmella calva depict the excess reactive oxygen species generation in the Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito vector; an insight behind the probable mode of action of bioactive compounds

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    The diverse field of chemistry like structural and Analytical chemistry has offered the tools that are essential for purifying the plethora of phytochemical constituents. Such an untapped pool of phytochemicals from the plant world can be used as an alternative to synthetic insecticides in mosquito vector control programme. This investigation has used the Bioassay-guided Chromatography, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and GC-MS (Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) to isolate and identify the most prominent toxic phytocompounds from the medicinal plants Xanthium strumarium and Acmella calva. The Map of the study site has been prepared using the Q-GIS. SPSS was used to perform the probit regression analysis and plot preparation. The isolated compounds such as Undecane (CH3(CH2)9CH3; 156.31 g/mol) (LC50: 2.599 mg/L (2.251 - 2.867); LC90 : 4.563 mg/L (3.960 - 6.006) and Phthalic acid, butyl undecyl ester (C23H36O4; 376.5 g/mol) (LC50: 4.072 mg/L (3.680 - 4.462); LC90: 6.894 mg/L (5.821-10.303) those are isolated from the Xanthium strumarium, and Acmella calva could be recognized as an innovative direction for the conception of natural insecticide against the Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito vectors since they produced a maximum range of toxicity. Moreover, the production of excessive free radicals in the phytocompounds exposed mosquito strain illustrated the probable role of oxidative stress in larval death. This investigation recommends that the isolated compounds can be used as an eco-friendly approach for mosquito control in the future

    Design of a composite filter realizable on practical spatial light modulators

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    Hybrid optical correlator systems use two spatial light modulators (SLM's), one at the input plane and the other at the filter plane. Currently available SLM's such as the deformable mirror device (DMD) and liquid crystal television (LCTV) SLM's exhibit arbitrarily constrained operating characteristics. The pattern recognition filters designed with the assumption that the SLM's have ideal operating characteristic may not behave as expected when implemented on the DMD or LCTV SLM's. Therefore it is necessary to incorporate the SLM constraints in the design of the filters. In this report, an iterative method is developed for the design of an unconstrained minimum average correlation energy (MACE) filter. Then using this algorithm a new approach for the design of a SLM constrained distortion invariant filter in the presence of input SLM is developed. Two different optimization algorithms are used to maximize the objective function during filter synthesis, one based on the simplex method and the other based on the Hooke and Jeeves method. Also, the simulated annealing based filter design algorithm proposed by Khan and Rajan is refined and improved. The performance of the filter is evaluated in terms of its recognition/discrimination capabilities using computer simulations and the results are compared with a simulated annealing optimization based MACE filter. The filters are designed for different LCTV SLM's operating characteristics and the correlation responses are compared. The distortion tolerance and the false class image discrimination qualities of the filter are comparable to those of the simulated annealing based filter but the new filter design takes about 1/6 of the computer time taken by the simulated annealing filter design

    Semi Empirical Formula For Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    A Semi empirical formula for both phase space factor and Nuclear Matrix Element (NME) is developed for neutrinoless double beta decay, and the formula is used to compute the neutrinoless double beta decay half lives. Thecomputed half lives for neutrinoless double beta decay are compared with the corresponding experimental values and with those predicted by QRPA model. The semi empirical formula predictions are found to be in good agreement with experimental data. The semi empirical formula is used to predict neutrinoless double beta decay of various isotopes Ca, Ge, Se, Zr, Mo, Pd, Cd, Sn, Te, Xe, Nd and Sm that exhibiting single beta decay. As our semi empirical formula predictions agree with the experimental data we hope that the present work will be useful for the future experiments

    Beta Decay Studies of Nuclides in the Heavy Region

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    In the present work we studied the β-decay of various isotopes in the heavy region using the empirical formula of Fiset and Nix. It is found from the half-life that as the neutron number increases the possibility of β-decay increases. From the dependence of beta decay half-life on neutron number of parent and Q-value, we modified empirical formula of Fiset and Nix for beta decay half-life. We also developed an empirical formula for the Z-value of most stable isobar against β-decay. From the study of mass parabola for different isobars with mass number ranging from 200-223 it was found that the lowest point in the parabola, which is the Z-value of most stable isobar against β-decay, matches well with our formula predictions


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    Drugs taken by a person are affected by a number of ways. A number of interactions are known to affect the drugs, change its efficacy or result intoxicity. Habits of a common person could also cause such interactions. Most of the people have habits of smoking, consumption of alcohol and takingdietary supplements without the advice of their physicians. Some drug interactions such as those between drug-herbs and drug-citrus fruit wouldbring us shock; even small fruit could sometimes bring adverse drug reactions to occur in our body. Due to drug interactions, there would sometimesbe an increase or decrease in the efficacy of a drug. Being a pharmacist, it would be their ultimate role to check at a person's hygienic record, lookingand gathering information of the past recorded drugs, dietary supplements, hereditary diseases, etc. They would have to gather information aboutthe recently releasing drugs and know complete information on the reactions which occur on their administration. Knowledge to people about herbaland food-drug interactions is very less. They take them to be natural and do not care about its consequences. However, this interaction depends on theamount and the potency of pharmacologically active ingredient present in the compounds. These herbal drugs are known to contain a varying numberof phytochemicals which may cause a change to the transporters, enzymatic systems, causing failure of the therapeutic effect of the drug interactions.The elimination of some particular drugs is also affected due to these interactions. As a result of this interaction, a number of drugs which had takenbirth had quickly been removed from the US markets. Thus, the ways for a person to avoid these interactions can only be the above mentionedadvices given by the health practitioners, not to administer drugs by self-medication methods, taking a note of all the additional supplements takenby a patient to his physician, so that there is a clear picture about the interactions at their initial stage. (1) There are various drug interactions with anumber of factors. (2) Unless there is clear knowledge about the pathway of drug elimination, drug interaction stands to be very difficult to be avoided.Keywords: Drug-food interactions, Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic, Drug-drug interactions.Â

    An analysis of studies on non-small cell lung cancer registered on clinical trials registry of India

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    Background: Lung cancer is the most common cancer in males, of which non-small cell type is more prevalent. It is an active area of research owing to the limited available treatment modalities with several studies registered on CTRI. Objectives of current study was to analyse randomized control trials for non-small cell lung cancer registered on clinical trial registry India.Methods: Studies registered on CTRI were reviewed in this registry-based audit using the keywords lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Parameters such as type of study, nature of intervention, phase of study, primary and secondary endpoints used, etc, were analysed and summarised using descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel 365.Results: Out of 230 trials for lung cancer, 121 studied non-small cell lung cancer, of which 103 studies (85.1%) were interventional studies. Most common intervention under study was drug 97 studies (94.2%) followed by radiation 4 studies (3.3%). Majority of trials were phase 3, 48 trials (39.7%) and only 4 (3.3%) studies were phase 1. Five most common primary and secondary endpoints observed were survival, response rate, safety, pharmacokinetic data & quality of life. Maximum patients were in the advanced stage of cancer(52.1%) and pemetrexed (9.9%) was the most common drug used.Conclusions: We observed an increasing trend in studies registered on CTRI, with maximum studies in phase 3 with patients in the advanced stage of cancer having overall survival as the endpoint

    Benign giant cell tumor of bone with pulmonary metastasis- report of two cases and review of literature

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    Tumors that are metastasizing generally considered as malignant. But there are exceptions. Giant cell tumor of bone is well known for its potential to metastasize without sarcomatous transformation. Potential of benign GCT to metastasize was first reported by Jaffe et al in 1940. Prevalence of pulmonary metastasis in benign GCT is between 1-9%. Factors favoring metastasis include recurrence of tumor, surgical manipulation of initial bone tumor, location of femur etc. Peripheral or basilar portion of pulmonary parenchyma is involved commonly. Eventhough death reported in 16-25% of cases, overall it has a favorable prognosis. Surgical resection is preferred treatment for pulmonary metastasis. In the present study 2 case studies were done. In 1st study 18 year old female, known case of GCT Lt tibia, with history of curetting and cementing presented with pain and swelling at same site and pulmonary metastasis 1 year later. Biopsy from initial as well as recurrent tumor confirmed benign GCT without any features of atypia, mitosis or necrosis. Aspirate from pulmonary lesion showed osteoclastic giant cells. No treatment given to metastatic deposits and is asymptomatic even though size of pulmonary lesions is increasing. And in second study a 22 year old female, with past history of GCT referred to our institution for evaluation of lung lesion detected in X-ray. Patient underwent metastatectomy here and histopathology was similar to that of bone lesion. There was no evidence of sarcomatous transformation both in initial and recurrent lesion. Patient is asymptomatic other wise and doing well